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April 24, 2023

WPI partners with Nigerian university on business analytics education

Two men look at a screen filled with graphs Photo | Matt Burgos courtesy of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Business analytics is an in-demand skill globally.

Beginning in the fall semester, Worcester Polytechnic Institute will partner with the Nigerian University of Technology and Management to offer its master’s degree in business analytics alongside NUTM’s professional certification in design thinking leadership principles. 

The business analytics courses will be offered online to students in Nigeria where there is a strong workforce need to catalyze the region’s rise as a technology and entrepreneurial hub, according to a Tuesday press release from WPI.

“Business analytics is a necessary competency for any organization that wants to make actionable, data-driven business decisions,” Dean of WPI Business School Debora Jackson said in the press release. 

By combining the programs the schools are promoting collaborations between the United States and Africa, Jackson said.

 “The core of NUTM's institutional vision is to equip scholars with the skills and outlook required to be globally competitive. Our overarching goal is for our students to achieve extraordinary success, start businesses, and become the go-to resource for top talents in Nigeria, Africa, and the world at large,” NUTM Founding President Babs Omotowa, said in the press release. "We are excited to execute a compelling vision of introducing world-class faculty to students in Nigeria to build the next generation of innovative and entrepreneurial leaders and improve retention of African talents within the continent.” 

NUTM, located in Lagos, was founded in 2019 according to its LinkedIn page and focuses on STEM and management education. Omotowa was named the school's founding president in 2022. WPI Senior Vice President, Provost and former Interim President Wole Soboyejo serves on NUTM’s advisory board, according to the school’s website.

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